Tent Rocks National Monument, New Mexico

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The Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rocks National Monument was high up on my list when we made the trip to Santa Fe last April—so high that I insisted to my wife Dana that we go there on the first day.

Despite my Southwestern-via-Reno roots, we never visited New Mexico before. (Hell, I’ve never been to Vegas before.) We were drawn by the art scene, dry climate, vistas, and cuisine. I only discovered this site on a quick Google search for hikes in the nearby areas. I’ve never been in a slot canyon before—we don’t really have any on the Olympic Peninsula. The photos online yelled at me to bring my camera.

I just love this set so much. Not only did it completely demand a black-and-white treatment, but he grooves of the canyon just forced so many vectors to forge strong compositions.

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I just love this set so much. Not only did it completely demand a black-and-white treatment, but he grooves of the canyon just forced so many vectors to forge strong compositions.

It was a great day for a shoot. Sunny, but the canyon walls help dissipate the direct light. The sunlight also forced some heavy shadowing for a stark moon-surface feel. There were a good number of people on the trail that day (though not nearly as bad as summer) but I managed to avoid getting hikers in my shots. Often I would just hold my camera and click the shutter without even looking.

These series has so much motion and stillness at the same time. I feel like I was struck with a dumb beginner’s luck on this hike.

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