Messthetics - June 25, 2019

This was an opportunity you just don’t get very often in Port Townsend: Dischord Records instrumental trio The Messthetics played a blistering set in a very appropo basement venue of The Cellar Door. The band is made up of the legendary Fugazi’s rhythm section of bassist Joe Lally and drummer Brendan Canty, only now paired with pedal-centric guitarist extraordinaire Anthony Pirog. They played this show as a benefit for Jefferson Community Foundation’s Housing Solutions Network. Turns out drummer Brendan Canty is the brother of Siobhan Canty, Executive Director of the Jefferson Community Foundation. Small world!

Anthony Pirog, his guitar and oh so many pedals.

Anthony Pirog, his guitar and oh so many pedals.

Brendan Canty on drums

As for The Cellar Door itself, it’s a unique space in that it inhabits a basement of an old Victorian building. There’s a very low ceiling which keeps the lighting options to a minimum—this was good in some ways, not so good in others. You’ll see that color splashed over every surface and not much shadow was allowed to create mystery. Thankfully the color looks good once I resolved to lean into it.

I also produced a number of black-and-white shots to better accentuate the tonal values within the space. The “stage” was basically a large area Oriental rug that actually provided a great texture to these photos. The venue lights and setting were a great match to the Messthetics’ dynamic and thrilling sound.

I had a chance to chat with Brendan Canty after the show—very down-to-earth guy, asked me a lot of good questions. I asked him if it’d be okay if I send him photos from the set and he said absolutely. About a month later I got him a set of images and he replied back, “these are fantastic!”

That made my year.

Joe Lally swings the bass.

I couldn’t tell you which version of the photo below I like better, so I’m posting them both—you make the call.

Near the end of the set. I snapped this photo capturing the Messthetics as they whip the crowd into a trancelike frenzy.